Lilypie Maternity tickers

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Opera Weekend

My parents and Bianca came down to visit on Friday (12/5) they got here in time to see our Ward Christmas Program (that Craig and I helped plan). Everyone had a good time. I wasn't able to stay the whole time because I had to get over to the College of the Deserts (COD) for OPENING night of La Boheme. On Saturday (12/6) morning we all (Mom, Dad, Craig, Bianca, Tara, Allie and I) all ran over to Lowes to pick up a Christmas tree, and while the boys paid the MONIES and loaded up the tree...the girls headed over to Sam's Club to buy some ornaments. Then I had to rush over to COD for the 2pm matinee. In between the two shows I came home to decorate the tree and help make dinner.
Tara, Mom and Allie went to a Parade of Lights in Palm Springs. Then EVERYONE came to my 8pm show. Tara, Craig, Bianca and Allie had to leave after the 3rd act since it was SO late for Allie. I was a Strolling Fruit Vendor in the opera. On Saturday Mom and Allie made a Birthday cake for Jon. We celebrated his birthday on Sunday. (I made some pumpkin bread in the morning). We had a fun evening all together. We had Beebe Taco's for dinner and played Holiday Bingo, ate cake and ice cream, and then watched Amazing Race and DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES! Then Mom, Dad, and Bianca took off back to Ventura.Allie Decorated the cake all by herself and put the candels in too. Jon liked it a lot.
Bianca and I had fun being silly together. We were laughing because the flotties matched our outfits.


Chrissie said...

I didn't know you were in an opera at COD! How did you come upon that opportunity? That's cool!

Conlin Family said...

Well Kaylee's sitting here with me and when she saw the first picture she said that's Cyndi and Rob..I told her it was Cyndi and Craig and she keeps arguing with me so I guess you are married to Rob!
It looks like you had a fun weekend. That's great that you got to be in an opera! I'm sure it was fun for you and sounds like it kept you busy. I'm glad you'll get to start blogging again.=)

Monson Family said...

What a fun weekend! La Boheme is one of my favorites!!!! So fun! I am glad you have more time now! You and Bianca are as crazy as usual.