Brief dream synopses (because dreams are crazy...I wont go into much detail) but the gist of it was Craig and I were doing some traveling in the car with my family and then it was TIME TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL. Checked in and waited for a room for a while, (during which time Craig made friends with other people waiting to have a baby too). Then it was time for the delivery, which in my dream was pretty quick and not too painful (aren't dreams GREAT!). Then I went into the room with my family to tell them we had the little guy BUT oddly they were all kind of preoccupied and talking amongst themselves even when I brought the baby in my mom was the only one who's attention I could get (obviously that probably came from being the baby of the family and having to raise my hand to talk sometimes). Then I was trying to find Craig...don't know where he ran off too and called Bianca and she was out buying dinner for everyone to eat at the hospital (what a good friend)....BUT the BEST part of the dream was when the nurse brought him in to meet everyone and I got to see his CUTE round little face and his PIERCING BLUE eyes (it will be interesting to see if that is how he really will be???? WHO KNOWS???)
We are getting SO excited for the little guy to come. I have been FRANTICALLY trying to get EVERYTHING ready. I have been organizing our office, files, closets, pantry, garage, etc etc. cleaning everything, buying things for the baby, hanging pictures up on the wall, decorating the house, and so much more. Let's just say I am NESTING! FOR SURE!!! But I must admit I really like that nesting quality that comes out because I have gotten so manything done lately...even projects that I NEVER get around too like backing up all my photos on my computer onto disc and putting them in the fire proof box!
Here is a picture of my belly 2 weeks ago @ 30 weeks (I have gotten so much bigger already). The baby and me are growing so fast...we are going to try and take a picture every Sunday from now until the baby comes.
The nursery is coming together. For those who don't know the theme is "Vintage Family Farm" I know it is kind of different but I want it to be that way. I don't want you to walk in there and see cartoons all over everything...I want it to be kind of sophisticated (for a nursery of course). So, what I'm going for is I want you to feel like you are inside and old farm house with quilts and old milk jugs and crates, etc. I will of course post pictures when it is all done. We got the crib a few weeks ago and put it together, I got a dresser from my parents which I need to paint, my mother in law baught me a rocker, and I just ordered the changing table and the crib bedding. I CAN'T WAIT for those items to get here.